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09 September 2012

Curious Facebook related query

Observations from the hinterlands

Quora is a privately-held company and is located in Mountain View, California. It was founded by two former Facebook employees, Adam d'Angelo and Charlie Cheever.

Quora raised two rounds of private financing to-date. Peter Thiel and Jeff Hammerbacher are investors, among others. TechCrunch's CrunchBase has some information regarding Quora's multiple funding rounds.

Why is this relevant?

Bret Taylor was the Chief Technology Officer of Facebook. He announced his intention to depart the company in mid-June 2012, approximately one month after the Facebook initial public offering on the NASDAQ in May 2012. As of June 20, 2012, Mr. Taylor was no longer listed on the Facebook website as a member of the management team, nor on the board of directors, nor anywhere else. There have been no subsequent announcements from Facebook regarding his status, although I have not done an EDGAR search to confirm.

At present, the position of Facebook CTO is vacant. Adam d'Angelo is the former Chief Technology Officer of Facebook. And THAT is why this is relevant. Who is in charge of Information Technology for Facebook now?

poster on wall
Quora recruiting ad at Stanford University in 2008

I perused the Investor and Company Management sections of the Facebook website. I noticed that all information technology activities were now under the supervision of the Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Eberhardt who isn't even a CPA.

Adam d'Angelo as CTO again? 

Anything should be better than having a purportedly Silicon Valley technology company for which the entire IT and development staff report to the chief financial officer!

I decided to send a Quora Mail message to Adam d'Angelo, and just ask him if he would be returning to lead Facebook as CTO. I received no reply, but was not banned for my impudence. The date of my message was July 2012.

I am curious. Someone with more information than I might find this useful, or be able to satisfy my curiosity.

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