Mild science news; maps; stories; occasional finance, economics, and geopolitics; reviews; humor

23 November 2024

Trailer Park Hillbillionaires

For the love of God, PLEASE listen with volume on!

Elon plays a mean banjo. Count how many different versions of the stars-and-bars Zuckerberg wears on his t-shirts!

And yes, this video was created by generative AI but reddit didn't provide any additional details. 

The Trailer Park Hillbillionaires
by u/johnpershing in aivideo

How many hillbillionaires can YOU count?

I'm unsure if the one standing at a distance, toward the end, is Warren Buffet or not. I thought Bill Gates with the jar of bugs is hilarious.

03 October 2024

Plane malfunction illusion: Rolling shutter effect

Chris wanted to take a photo while on an airplane flight. The aircraft was a Bombardier Q400. Chris didn't have a camera with him, only his Apple iPhone 3GS. The scanning order of his iPhone sensor combined with the light refracted from the airplane window caused a distinctive "detaching blades" phenomenon in the photo. Rotating the camera warps the blades in different directions.

Edit: Unfortunately for me, Chris is no longer sharing his photos online, but I have found others. Keep reading!

Bombardier Q400 digression

drawing of a Q400 airplane with unhappy passengers
Q400 passenger airplane by The Cranky Flier on Flickr

There have been some serious safety concerns with the Bombardier Dash Q400 Turboprop. Persistent problems with faulty landing gear received plenty of media coverage. Also, landing gear failure is highly noticeable to passengers! Some of the worry is depicted by The Cranky Flyer in the little drawing.

Although there have been no passenger injuries, thanks to pilot skill, multiple instances of left or right wheels failing to extend fully (or at all!) upon landing have occurred in Canada, the United States, and France. Those are the markets for Bombardier's small-to-medium sized commercial and business aircraft.

Engine stalls in very cold weather, due to ice, is another issue with the Q400. Both the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Canadian air safety regulators launched formal inquiries.

Despite the appearance of Jason's photo below, there have never been any problems with Q400 propellers blades detaching and falling off while in flight!

Blades by Jason Mullins on Flickr

14 February 2024

Decline of Web 2.0

As I wrote in a prior post, about an 1870s cartographic depiction of America as a young hog, I wish the University of Michigan Map Library blog hadn't been discontinued. It isn't surprising, as Web 2.0, i.e. user contributed web content, has been in decline for years. It's difficult to believe that Technorati, once the authority for blog activity, tracked millions of blogs at one time.

Blog growth outpaces Moore's Law?

Technorati sounded great! It was a blog search engine that was superior to Google's Blog Search. Google Blog Search vanished years ago, like many Google services.

The BBC seemed VERY excited about Technorati, and blogging in general: A new blog created every second: In August 2005, Technorati was tracking 14.2 million blogs, up from 7.8 million in March of the same year, according to the BBC. Blog count was doubling every five months! Maybe.

screen shot of technorati website
Look familiar?
This was the Technorati landing page

Even though the dot com bubble was years earlier, there was an awful lot of Internet hype.