17 June 2011

Special felines and a minor mapping puzzle

Part One: A most unusual hybrid cat

Funny Blog featured this today. It is more of a specialty hybrid: The Caterpillar!
Funny Blog has a funny cat for you!
Source: Silver Jewelry Life

Part Two: A metaphorical cat of time and space

This is L0L0 Cat, all L0L0 and without the actual cat. It is more geographical, or cartographic than feline-related. But it wasn't like that always, as the idea came to me from the LOLcat internet meme. Another point is that the caption is truly L0L0 rather than LOL or LOLO.

I'll give one clue to solving the mystery of the L0L0 cat location, and why it is special. The clue is "What is the name of the official Google map product blog on Blogger?" Not the URL, but the actual name of the blog.

Have a look at the map, and observe the caption at the bottom center. Remember that the map may be enlarged on the website here, I is not necessary to open on another page if you don't want to, although you can. I didn't use Google Earth, only Google Maps, so no additional software is required to view.

View L0L0 Center in a larger map

Second clue: The triangular red map-marker (with an exclamation point) shows the physical location of the Land of L0L0. But there is something additional that makes it special.

I hope I haven't given too much information. Please reply with your answers in the comment section below!